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47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production


47Lining Enterprise PaaS provides an accelerated path to take advantage of the OSDU™ standard by delivering a production-ready deployment directly to your AWS account. With pay-as-you-go pricing, this enables you to immediately start building a business case to leverage the OSDU standard and optimize your data-centric workflows without significant upfront costs. Use your own test data to bridge silos, seamlessly execute workflows on AWS, and integrate third-party applications and data sources through the OSDU standard.


Enterprise Production Ready

Deploy enterprise-grade security, operations, and support capabilities with a few clicks:

  • Operates on a standard data format across platforms
  • Enhances search via extracted metadata
  • Increases accessibility with well-defined APIs

Aligned to the OSDU Standard

Leverage a certified platform to easily take advantage of the OSDU standard, eliminating reliance on point solutions.

  • Governs access to environments, workloads, datasets, and sandbox accounts
  • Provides pre-validated application bundles

Offered as-a-service

Improve agility and cost-efficiency with on-demand provisioning and consumption-based pricing:

  • Deploy securely into an existing AWS footprint
  • Offload maintenance and updates (managed by 47Lining)
  • Convert CapEx to OpEx to more closely align costs to actual resource consumption

Account and Billing

47Lining Enterprise PaaS is deployed to AWS accounts that you designate and commercially control. The 47Lining Enterprise PaaS is billed based on usage of resources. A free tier is available for your organization to evaluate 47Lining Enterprise PaaS and deployments of the OSDU Data Platform.


47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production is currently offered in the following AWS Regions:

  • us-east-1 US East (Virginia)
  • us-east-2 US East (Ohio)
  • ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • ca-central-1 Canada (Central)
  • eu-west-1 Europe (Ireland)
  • eu-central-1 Europe (Frankfurt)
  • sa-east-1 South America (São Paulo)

47Lining expects similar availability upon launch of 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production.


How can I easily access a preview deployment of the OSDU Data Platform?

It's as simple as subscribing to 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production in AWS Marketplace. An Environment will be provisioned for you in an AWS Account that you designate. Beyond deployment, the 47Lining team will focus on managing the environment and allow your team to focus on optimizing your oil and gas operations to better leverage the OSDU standard.

What do I get with 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production?

Once your footprint is provisioned you will have a fully functioning envrionment with the latest generally available release of the OSDU standard made available by the OSDU Forum. That includes the services, test datasets, sample applications from the OSDU forum and a Management Console supplied by 47Lining to interact with your environment. Additionally, the Enterprise PaaS offering provides extended production features including maintenance and updates, support for multiple environments (dev, stage, prod) across multiple regions, integration with corporate identity providers, ability to deploy multiple data platform and application workloads, and management of access by end-users and applications.

How much does 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production cost?

47Lining Enterprise PaaS leverages native AWS Services and each customer is responsible for those AWS Services used. You pay AWS for your invoiced 47Lining Enterprise PaaS consumption, using the same payment mechanism that you use for the rest of your AWS invoice. 47Lining Enterprise PaaS pricing is based on a two-fold pricing model:

  • Metered usage of resources within your DataOps Footprint
  • Metered usage within each of DataOps Workload Deployments that you request

Contact Us

If you have questions about 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production or would like assistance from our Professional Services team, please contact us and a 47Lining process transformation specialist will contact you to discuss your needs.