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Subscription Information

To complete your subscription, please provide information about your company and your contact information. This information is used to provide you with notifications about your subscription, confirm that it is permitted by law to fulfill your subscription, provide you with support should you request it, and to provide you with information about the availability of upcoming releases should you opt in to receiving it.

Company Information

Please provide the name and address of your organization.

Company Information

Prior to fulfilling your subscription, we will confirm that we are permitted by law to do so. In the event of questions regarding your company information, 47Lining will reach out to the Commercial Support Contact that you provide.

Contact Information

Please provide the contact information for the person who should receive communications related to the 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst.

Contact Information


Subscriptions to 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst do not support edits to email contact information, which is always identical to the information that you used when you created your 47Lining Subscription Portal account. The Subscription Portal displays email contact information for your convenience and review. 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Production supports technical contacts that are distinct from the AWS Marketplace subscriber.

Upcoming Product Release Info

You may choose to receive information about upcoming product releases of 47Lining Enterprise PaaS by indicating your interest here.


In the Tenancy field of the Product Fulfillment Information section, choose between Dedicated-Tenant or Multi-Tenant to specify the deployment configuration you would like to be used for your subscription to 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst.

  • Dedicated-Tenant: Single instance of the OSDU Data Platform and supporting infrastructure serving a single customer. With single tenancy, each customer has his or her own instance of the platform.

  • Multi-Tenant: Single instance of the OSDU Data Platform and supporting infrastructure serving multiple subscribers. Each subscriber receives their own slice of the OSDU Data Platform in the form of an OSDU data partition that is dedicated to them. Each subscriber's data is isolated to their data partition and remains invisible to other tenants.

  • Customer-Account: Single instance of the OSDU Data Platform and supporting infrastructure serving a single customer, using customer's account. All infrastructure and services are being deployed in an account owned by the customer.


Only applies to Dedicated-Tenant. In the Region field of the Product Fulfillment Information section, select the AWS Region where you would like 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst to be installed. Currently supported regions are

  • us-east-1 US East (Virginia)
  • us-east-2 US East (Ohio)
  • us-west-1 US West (N. California)
  • us-west-2 US West (Oregon)

When Multi-Tenant is selected,Region field of the Product Fulfillment Information section, will be grayed out.


Only applies to Dedicated-Tenant. Your installation of 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst will be accessible at a unique subdomain with the fully qualified domain name <subdomain> Please provide the name of the subdomain that you would like to use. Your subdomain must include only letters a-z and A-Z, numbers 0-9, and hyphen -, and must not exceed 63 characters. Your subdomain will be publicly visible and resolvable through the global DNS system.

When Multi-Tenant is selected,Subdomain field of the Product Fulfillment Information section, will be grayed out.

Product Fulfillment Information

External ID

Only applies to Customer-Account deployments. This read-only field represents a unique 12 character string that the system generates per subscription. The contents of this field are required to securely identify the assuming IAM role (Policy definition is explained in other document).

Role Name

Only applies to Customer-Account deployments. This is the name of the AWS Role that the customer creates in their account. This role must contains the pre-defined policy to deploy 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst. The role name must comply with AWS constraints: role names are not case sensitive, must be unique within the account, must be alphanumeric including special characters: plus +, equal =, comma ,, period ., at @, underscore _, and hyphen -, and have a maximum length of 2048 characters.

Target Account ID

Only applies to Customer-Account deployments. This is the customer owned AWS account in which the customer wishes to deploy 47Lining Enterprise PaaS – Adoption Catalyst. The Target Account ID must be a 12-digit number.