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Metered Usage

47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst pricing is based on metered usage - you pay only for what you use. Metered usage periodically measures your usage for a set of defined pricing dimensions. Each pricing dimension includes a quantity and a price. At the end of each month, 47Lining Enterprise PaaS aggregates your usage within the month for each dimension, and computes the resulting fee for that dimension using its quantity and price. 47Lining Enterprise PaaS then sums the fees across all dimensions to determine your total fees for that month.


Each month, your total fees for that month will appear on that month's AWS invoice for the AWS account that you used to subscribe to 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst in AWS Marketplace. Your total fees will appear in a line item named "47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst" within the AWS Marketplace service.

Adoption Catalyst Pricing Dimensions

This table summarizes the pricing for 47Lining Enterprise PaaS - Adoption Catalyst:

Deployment Description Pricing
Dedicated Dedicated Data Platform Instance $5 / Hour
Dedicated OSDU Data Platform Services, Turned on $6 / Hour
Multi-Tenant Multi-Tenant OSDU Data Platform Instance $4 / Hour
Dedicated and
OSDU Data Platform Users $0.07 / Hour
OSDU Data Platform Data Under Management $0.47 / Hour per 100 GB of Data above 100 GB

Adoption Catalyst Commercial Model

The following JSON document captures the Adoption Catalyst commercial model. The commercial model specifies each of Adoption Catalyst's pricing dimensions and their detailed attributes. 47Lining Enterprise PaaS uses this commercial model to determine how to measure your usage, how to translate your usage into a price, and how to construct metering events to report to AWS. (Expand to view.)

Adoption Catalyst Commercial Model
    "ModelVersion": "2022-11-23",
    "Dimensions": {
        "multi-tenant-data-platform-tenants": {
            "Description": "(For Multi-Tenant Subscriptions) Tenants with Single Data Partition within OSDU Data Platform Multi-Tenant Instance",
            "MeteredResource": "Multi-Tenant Data Platform Tenants",
            "PricingSummary": "$4 per (Tenants * Hour)",
            "WorkloadReportedUnit": "Tenants",
            "GroupPrice": 4,
            "GroupSize": 1,
            "MeterUpon": "GROUP_COMPLETED",
            "Type": "WRC"
        "data-platform-users": {
            "Description": "Provisioned Data Platform Users within Adoption Catalyst Tenant",
            "MeteredResource": "User",
            "PricingSummary": "$0.07 per (Provisioned Users * Hour)",
            "WorkloadReportedUnit": "Provisioned Users",
            "GroupPrice": 0.07,
            "GroupSize": 1,
            "MeterUpon": "GROUP_COMPLETED",
            "Type": "WRC"
        "data-under-management": {
            "Description": "Data Platform Binary Data Under Management Above 100 GB within Adoption Catalyst Tenant",
            "MeteredResource": "Binary Data Under Management",
            "PricingSummary": "$0.47 per (100 GB * Hour) for data above 100 GB",
            "WorkloadReportedUnit": "GB",
            "GroupPrice": 0.47,
            "GroupSize": 100,
            "MeterUpon": "GROUP_STARTED",
            "Type": "WRC"
        "data-under-management-tracking": {
            "Description": "Data Platform Binary Data Under Management within Adoption Catalyst Tenant",
            "MeteredResource": "Binary Data Under Management",
            "PricingSummary": "Free",
            "WorkloadReportedUnit": "GB",
            "GroupPrice": 0,
            "GroupSize": 1,
            "MeterUpon": "GROUP_STARTED",
            "Type": "WRC"
        "dedicated-data-platform-instances": {
            "Description": "(For Dedicated-Tenant Subscriptions) Data Platform Dedicated-Tenant Instances",
            "MeteredResource": "Dedicated-Tenant Data Platform Instances",
            "PricingSummary": "$5 per (Instance * Hour)",
            "WorkloadReportedUnit": "Instances",
            "GroupPrice": 5,
            "GroupSize": 1,
            "MeterUpon": "GROUP_COMPLETED",
            "Type": "WRC"
        "dedicated-data-platform-services": {
            "Description": "(For Dedicated-Tenant Subscriptions) OSDU Data Platform Dedicated-Tenant Services",
            "MeteredResource": "Dedicated-Tenant Data Platform Services",
            "PricingSummary": "$6 per (Services Available * Hour)",
            "WorkloadReportedUnit": "Services Available",
            "GroupPrice": 6,
            "GroupSize": 1,
            "MeterUpon": "GROUP_STARTED",
            "Type": "WRC"

AWS Marketplace Pricing Dimensions

All 47Lining Enterprise PaaS offerings use the same two pricing dimensions in AWS Marketplace. Each of these dimensions measure a fundamental kind of usage:

Name Description Price Usage Scenario
weo Weighted Event Occurrence $0.001 Measures quantities of events,
e.g. API calls, support tickets
wrc Weighted Resource Consumption $0.001 Measures provisioned resource levels,
e.g. users, storage, etc.

AWS Marketplace Metering Translation Examples

47Lining Enterprise PaaS translates your usage, captured using Adoption Catalyst's commercial model, to the weo and wrc pricing dimensions which appear on your AWS invoice. 47Lining Enterprise PaaS reports your metered usage for each of the weo and wrc dimensions to AWS. AWS then uses the reported metered values to determine the total fees to include on your AWS invoice.

This table provides examples that illustrate how the translation from the Adoption Catalyst commercial model to AWS Marketplace pricing dimensions occurs.

Use Case Adoption Catalyst Dimension Metered Units Price AWS Marketplace WRC Units
3 provisioned users for 24 Hours data-platform-users 3 * 24 = 72 72 * $0.07 = $5.04 $5.04 / $0.001 = 5040
500 GB Data for 1 Hour data-under-management (500GB - 100GB) / 100GB = 4 4 * $0.47 = $1.88 $1.88 / $0.001 = 1880

Monthly Pricing Examples

The following examples illustrate pricing in selected scenarios for a typical 30-day month.

Dedicated, Services Always On, 5 users, 1500 GB binary data under management

Dimension Value Price
dedicated-data-platform-instances 1 * 24 * 30 = 720 720 * $5 = $3,600.00
dedicated-data-platform-services 1 * 24 * 30 = 720 720 * $6 = $4,320.00
data-platform-users 5 * 24 * 30 = 3600 3600 * $0.07 = $252.00
data-under-management (1500 - 100) / 100 * 24 * 30 = 10,080 10,080 * $0.47 = $4,737.60
TOTAL Price, 30-day month $12,909.60

Dedicated, Services On 10 Hours per day, 2 users, 500 GB binary data under management

Dimension Value Price
dedicated-data-platform-instances 1 * 24 * 30 = 720 720 * $5 = $3,600.00
dedicated-data-platform-services 1 * 10 * 30 = 300 300 * $6 = $1,800.00
data-platform-users 2 * 24 * 30 = 1440 1440 * $0.07 = $100.80
data-under-management (500 - 100) / 100 * 24 * 30 = 2880 2880 * $0.47 = $1,353.60
TOTAL Price, 30-day month $6,854.40

Multi-Tenant, 2 users, 100 GB binary data under management

Dimension Value Price
multi-tenant-data-platform-tenants 1 * 24 * 30 = 720 720 * $4 = $2,880.00
data-platform-users 2 * 24 * 30 = 1440 1440 * $0.07 = $100.80
data-under-management (100 - 100) / 100 * 24 * 30 = 0 0 * $0.47 = $0.00
TOTAL Price, 30-day month $2,980.80